ME/CFS 2019

Millions Missing Action

Sunday May 12, 2019, the ME/CFS San Diego members who were able to gather along with family and friends of ME/CFS San Diego met to bring awareness and visibility to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for Millions Missing Day.

MEAction started an annual global action in 2015, choosing May, 12 International Awareness Day to bring awareness of the millions of people missing (~2.5 million in the U.S., 17 million worldwide) due to ME/CFS. International Awareness Day originally began in 1992 to promote awareness of all Chronic Immunological Neurological Diseases including ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, Gulf War syndrome, Addison's disease, Lyme disease, autism and others. Florence Nightingale's birthday was selected as the date since she struggled with an invisible illness. Like many other #MillionsMissing actions worldwide, we displayed our shoes and the shoes of some of our absent members with tags to show what we and the world are missing.